Energetic Fitness Systems

Energetic Fitness Systems



"OFFER… EFS Charging Sessions™.
Provide the Very Best PEMF Experience,
To Your Customers & Clients Today!

EFS-300PRO Series

Experience EFS Charging Sessions YOUR WAY! :-)

EFS Charging Sessions YOUR WAY

Sitting…   Standing…   Laying Down…  Energized Stretching…   Yoga …   Meditating…   Relaxing…   Visualizing… 

So many ways!    Safe for ALL Ages!

Achieve Energetic Vitality Safely & Effectively
Harness Energetic Fitness System's TRUE ANALOG PEMF
Support Bio Cellular Batteries For Happy Cells!

EFS-300PRO Series!

Prices Starting at $12,500 USD!

Thinking of Adding EFS Charging Stations?

Thinking of adding EFS Charging Stations?

Please feel free to look around and come back often.  We are overhauling our whole website and will be adding so much more in the days ahead…  Plans are in the works for more tools to assist you with creation of your commercial EFS Charging Station(s)…  2D & 3D views of the EFS Equipment… and many more cool ideas are on the table!  If you have any suggestions for these, please drop us a line and let us know!

Much of what we share is open access.  However, we do ask that you tell us who you are before we share certain information about our products.  Once signed in, you will have full access to that information.  We will not exploit your identity; will keep any information you share confidential; and will not contact you unless you request that.  We look forward to meeting you, if you are so inclined. 

We do hope you find the information you are looking for.  If you have any questions, you are welcome to call or text us.  And you are welcome to use the Live Chat Pop-Up to reach us, or just simply send us your questions via a Contact Page Message. 

Skip the tools…



Please find the following Self-Help Tools

Simple Estimated Pricing Tool

-To Estimate EFS Equipment Cost


If you are a business, or a professional, this is the tool for you! 

– Get the answers needed to justify adding the EFS technology to your offerings.  

NOTE: We have third party finance and leasing available. See below.

PEMF Technology Comparison Chart

– Gauge PEMF technology differences.

Coming Soon… 

Please check back for new content. 

Thank you!



About Us

Energetic Fitness Systems strives to provide

The Very Best, Honest Analog Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Field (PEMF) technology.

…History defines this technology which originated with Nicola Tesla in the late 1890’s.

Modernized, yet still preserving the effectiveness of Nikola Tesla’s Human Energy Machine,

Put us on the path of extensive research & experimentation, leading to creation of our version, the EFS. 

The result, is the ONLY Honest and True Analog Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Field technology,

Represented by Three Generations of EFS Analog PEMF Product Lines,

Tried… True… And, Loved by So Many!

We are proud to be Exclusive Marketers & Product Developers…

Of Energetic Fitness Systems’ Analog PEMF Product Lines!


Driven by passion and Scientific Inquiry,

To help others Achieve Their Optimal Function & Well-Being. 

Recharge Your Cellular Batteries to enjoy life to its fullest as Your Best Self.

…We Do!  & Always will use an EFS to recharge ours!     

FYI, we love to hear the USER exclamation ofWOW!”             

But we believe, support and freely share the…HOW?”            

Why?… Because HOW,

Changes Everything Believed About Our Energy!

Experience Your EFS Charging Sessions™

Safely Provided by Certified EFS Charging Session™ Technicians

(Fees &/or Rates of Service May Apply)

 We support our Valued & Approved Commercial/Professional EFS CHARGING STATION™ Owners!


Learn More

Hello & Welcome,

I’d like at this time to answer some constantly asked questions about the EFS.
Know that your questions are always welcomed.

QUESTION 1:   What frequencies does the EFS generate?

ANSWER: None.  The EFS does not generate any frequencies. 

In other words, the EFS has no signal generator or frequency generator of any kind. The EFS only utilizes frequencies generated by the atoms found in the user’s own cells.  We believe that these atoms of the user’s cells produce all of the frequencies that are necessary and sufficient. The frequencies from the atoms cannot be improved upon and any artificially added frequencies by manmade devices only end up as degrading interference to the biological operation of the user’s cells.  
We do not believe in the concept of creating manmade frequencies to bombard the user’s body and cells.  Afterall, despite what is claimed and theorized by others, no one really knows what frequencies the user’s body actually needs or does not want.  So, even though every other PEMF on the market has some type of signal or frequency generator, the EFS does not have any of these.

QUESTION 2: So, if the EFS does not generate frequencies…how does it work?

ANSWER: The EFS is essentially a two-part system.  
The first part uses principles of physics to couple, in an analog manner, with the natural frequencies emitted by the atoms within the user’s body.  Hence, none of the frequencies published on the internet or found in marketing literature are pertinent to the operation of the EFS.   
The second part then uses these same principles of physics in an analog manner to amplify and reintroduce those natural frequencies into the user’s body while maintaining the integrity of these natural frequencies. This analog amplification and reintroduction of the user’s natural frequencies is far from being an easy task to accomplish since this has taken us decades to develop. 
This analog amplification and reintroduction of the user’s natural frequencies increases intracellular voltage levels of the cells throughout the user’s body. With this increase of intracellular voltage, cellular energy levels throughout the user’s body are increased to enhance maintenance, repair, detoxification, rejuvenation, and various other biological functions.

QUESTION 3:   Why is the EFS so expensive?

ANSWER:  The components of the EFS are far from being inexpensive to manufacture given their levels of precision, physical characteristics, fabrication techniques, and particular uniqueness. 
For example, as an internet search on “analog amplifier” will reveal, analog amplifiers of far less precision will cost anywhere from $2,500 USD to over $35,000 USD. Unfortunately, none of these analog amplifiers – even at the $35,000 USD level – are sufficiently precise to maintain integrity of the user’s natural frequencies to be used in the EFS.
Furthermore, these example analog amplifiers are only suitable for amplification of sound energy, which is far easier of a task than analog amplification of the cellular energy of the user’s body, which requires far more sophisticated technology not only for faithful operation by the EFS but also for safe operation by the EFS since both these aspects of EFS operation are paramount.

QUESTION 4:  Is it safe for anyone to use?

ANSWER:   “Yes” for most and “No” for a relative few.
Regarding the “No” few.
  Anyone with an implanted electro-device is not eligible to use the technology.  It will not destroy their device or set it off (i.e. Defibrillator or such other device), but it will reduce the battery charge by at least 10% in a 20-minute EFS Charging Session.  How do we know this?  A tech at a cardiologist’s office read the before, during, and after EFS Charging Session user’s defibrillator. The readings showed the defibrillator recorded pure static, but the defibrillator battery charge level dropped by 10 percent during the 20-minute EFS Charging Session. 
Regarding the “Yes” most.  We have witnessed usage by individuals ranging in age of 3 days of age to 100 years of age use the EFS repeatedly.  We have witnessed usage by women throughout their entire pregnancy, on the day of birthing, and during recovery from birthing while nursing their babies. We have witnessed a wide range of user health levels from quadriplegics with various levels of injury to high caliber athletes preparing for the Olympics, and everything in between. However, a common occurrence from these users is that their use of the EFS had great success with many, many great results for which they credit the EFS.

QUESTION 5:   What if I cannot afford one of these EFS Units for my home?

ANSWER: That is a really great question.
Most people will not be able to purchase one of these units for their home, no matter how badly they want or need to use it.  Our recommendation is to find a wellness provider, gym/fitness center or spa and encourage them to add the EFS technology with EFS Charging Station(s) to their practice or facility.  One EFS Unit can support multiple users at a reasonable cost to the users in a professionally controlled environment and can be a highly profitable addition to their facility.

For more information feel free to reach out to us with any questions you might have, CONTACT US.

We are looking forward to supporting and growing all of our very important relationships with all of you in 2024!


President & CEO
Energetic Fitness Systems
T: +1 (360) 392-0528
E-mail: energeticfitness@msn.com
Web: https://energeticfitness.com


Justin Brost
Visionary | Founder
President & CEO
More About Justin >
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Bruce S
Visionary | Founder
Technology Officer
More About Bruce >
Shannon Brost
Visionary | Founder
Vice President
More About Shannon
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What Others Are Saying...

Nick Mancuso's take on the Energetic Fitness System

Testimonials found on our website were written and submitted by "REAL PEOPLE".  Please, follow the link included with an excerpt of their testimonial submissions to read the complete unchanged content. 

It is our company policy, regarding testimonials, to leave them in their original unedited state in order to preserve the integrity of the statements made by users of the Energetic Fitness System™. Handwritten testimonial submissions have been converted to typewritten form for the convenience of the reader.

ALL Full Testimonials, as told by Real People in their own words.

If you would like to share about your EFS Charging Experience,


Anyone can benefit from the EFS-100, those looking to increase their vitality to those needing to rehabilitate from illness or injury.  The bottom line is that the Energetic Fitness System dramatically works.
Jayson Werth,  Outfielder for the Washington Nationals

Jayson Werth, Outfielder for the Washington Nationals

“Using the EFS machine before and during my breaks at competitions has also helped revitalize not only my body, but also my mind. In competitive swimming, athletes tend to feel run down after one or two races, and coming off the EFS machine after my races has raised the alertness of my body and confidence in racing all over again, just better!”
Milorad Cavic – 3x Olympian Medalist

Milorad Cavic – 3x Olympian Medalist

In addition to the effects of giving our guys immediate energy boosts after use, I think the way our guys have recovered with consistent use of the system has been most beneficial to the team... I am still in your debt for the way Mike swam at our Pac-10 championship relay.
Mike Bottom (Men’s Swimming & Diving Coach UC Berkley – 2006)

Mike Bottom (Men’s Swimming & Diving Coach UC Berkley – 2006)

I am sending SO MUCH love, light and POSITIVE ENERGY to you! First off, I had a GREAT time at the grand opening! Better than that, though, I have the MOST GRATITUDE for you letting me do the PEMF thing! I DEFINITELY feel energized! ... I feel PHENOMENAL!... THANK YOU VERY MUCH!
7/11/2018 Shane Nicholich’s 1st EFS Charging Session

7/11/2018 Shane Nicholich’s 1st EFS Charging Session

The two most important things that I can summarize right here is that I notice my body rebalances itself to its homeostasis more quickly, and that my Ph is more alkaline, which is significant since training often gets my body acidic.   I believe that this machine helps my recovery time.   There are other things I believe it does on a spiritual, mental, and emotional level as well.
Katrina Radke, Olympic Swimmer – Represented US (1985-1991)

Katrina Radke, Olympic Swimmer – Represented US (1985-1991)

I am a quadriplegic I've used the EFS the last several years. Every time I use it I have a reduction in the tone of my muscles (i.e. Involuntary Contractions) and it makes it easier for my caregivers to do my range of motion with my limbs. I feel very energized after using the EFS...Besides the biological benefits of using the EFS 100 is just plain simple to use!! You hold onto the bulb, put your feet on the plate let the current do the work. It doesn't get much more simple than that!
Patrick Ricci – Quadriplegic

Patrick Ricci – Quadriplegic