Medical Disclaimer

The Energetic Fitness System™ does not heal, is not a medical device and is not for use in the diagnosis, evaluation, treatment or prevention of any disease, physical ailment or medical condition. Use of the Energetic Fitness System™  is not a replacement for accepted traditional or alternative medical care. Each user should first consult with their physician before use of the Energetic Fitness System™.

Usage of the Energetic Fitness System™ is not recommended by individuals that have heart pacemakers or any other implanted electrical device.

Third party statements, testimonials and descriptions are the accounts and opinions of Energetic Fitness Systems™ Users/Customers. These third party statements, testimonials and descriptions are not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis, evaluation, treatment or prevention of any disease, physical ailment or medical condition and have not been evaluated by the FDA, and as such, should not be construed as medical advice, implied or otherwise.