Glenn Prentice Long Time EFS User with horrible neck….

Glenn Prentice Long Time EFS User with horrible neck….

From: Glenn Prentice 
Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2023 2:47 PM
Cc: Justin <>
Subject: Health you might be interested in

Good afternoon All,

If you and your loved ones are in great health, please delete this message.  Justin, whose email address is in the CC section, is the owner of Energetic Fitness Systems in Washington State. Below is a link to his site for your review and if you are interested, please contact him directly. 

I am sending this out as a favor to him as well as a thank you to him. I was introduced to his EFS technology via my wife over 14 years ago. As I have a horrible neck, this machine keeps me going, literally. I hope you take the time to review his site and spread his information to anyone you know who cannot get relief. It works on far more than necks and backs. It also helps with digestive and other issues but I leave that between you and Justin.

Yours very truly,

Glenn M. Prentice

The following is from 2015 –


From: Glenn Prentice 
Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2015 2:56 AM
To: Justin 
Subject: Fwd: Conversation you had with Mrs. Prentice at Capital Grille

Hi Justin,

You asked me for a testimonial. I just sent this email to two guys my wife met at the Capital Grille. They work for Tesla Motors and were fascinated at what Mrs. Prentice told them.   Thanks, Glenn


Good morning T and M,

Mrs. Prentice told me briefly last night about your conversation and the EFS machine. She asked me to share with you my story so I will give you the cliff notes as it spans 20 years plus.

November, 1995. I was sitting at a light in my BMW and was struck from the rear at about 50 mph by a drunk driver. I had a brain bleed that caused a neurological paralysis for eight months. So while I could feel my legs, I could not move them. I was told it would take two years before I would walk again. I was introduced to an acupuncturist in Royal Oak and after 3 visits, I was walking again. Up to that point in my life, I subscribed only to traditional medicine. One of my clients referred me to him and I was desperate to get back to my business. 

In 2006, I was broadsided by a young driver in Almont at 45-50 mph. This was my 2nd closed head injury and it aggravated my issues from my first accident. Was forced to close my company of 20 years due to fact that I could no longer lift. I had a state wide produce company that I built from nothing. 

In 2008, my injuries escalated and I no longer could function at any productive level and was home bound and did not drive as I could not guarantee my safety or others on the road. 

In 2011, I had laser surgery on my neck at the Laser Spine Institute in Tampa. It was effective and gave me great relief for three months. After that, I was back in the same boat. 

2012- After seeing multiple doctors, the head of surgery at Beaumont informed me that my neck was disintegrating basically and that I was inoperable. I say that because he predicted a 50/50 chance of being a quadriplegic. He suggested I try alternative medicine but did not advise any particular individuals. 

I was introduced to an electro-magnetic induction machine that helped tremendously and kept me sustained beginning in January, 2013. I do not know how it works, nor did I care. I was only interested in results. 

My friend, introduced me last August to the EFS 100 he had bought. EFS stands for Energetic Fitness Systems. I told him that I wasn’t interested because the other machine was doing the job. I ended up using the machine once a week for 20 minutes in conjunction with the other machine. The EFS made me tired and I would sleep for up to ten hours at times after using it. I always noticed its effect the next day after treatment. After six weeks, I stopped using the other machine completely and have continued with the EFS every week for 20 minutes. 

The results have been tremendous. I used to vomit three times a day from sheer pain from my neck. This was caused by the nerves in my neck being crushed as the openings between the vertebrae are at 5%. As I said previously, I stayed off the road for three years but only drove sporadically after that. I could drive in the morning but was unpredictable in the afternoon or evening so Donna always drove. I couldn’t work more the 3-4 hours at a time. I also had applied for SSI Disability as the doctors informed me that I was permanently disabled and should collect. This drove me insane as I do not like to depend on anyone, let alone our wonderful government. All of these symptoms are gone now. I also cancelled my SSI case voluntarily. My new company is soaring and I can go 16 hours a day. I also have averaged 2000 miles per week driving when I am looking at homes in the Midwest. Most of all, the vomiting is gone and the continuous pain as well. 

I am not cured by any means. I state this because this past Memorial Day, an old lady ran a red light and broadsided me at 45 mph a mile from my home in ……………….. I was transported to Botsford Hospital in traction. The head surgeon came to me after reviewing my CT’s and MRI. and wanted to fuse my neck on both sides for the entire neck. I forced them to release me to my doctor in Ann Arbor. BTW, he tried the machine and bought one later that day. That accident should have put me down for six months. I was fully back to work in thirty days. All prior symptoms showed up after that accident and now are gone. 

I cannot explain how it works but do realize what it has done for me. What I do know is that it stems from Nikolai Tesla’s work with alternating current energy. It is a glass plate with a cord and large light bulb. I hold the bulb to my neck and move it around for 20 minutes. I often tell people, I do not care how it works, I am just glad it does. My wife and children were always afraid and cautioned me at every turn. When we moved last year ……….. (Nov. 2014), I was able to help load and unload three trucks. This is something I hadn’t done in years. 

I am not cured by any means. I state this because this past Memorial Day, an old lady ran a red light and broadsided me at 45 mph a mile from my home in …………….. I was transported to Botsford Hospital in traction. The head surgeon came to me after reviewing my CT’s and MRI. and wanted to fuse my neck on both sides for the entire neck. I forced them to release me to my doctor in Ann Arbor. BTW, he tried the machine and bought one later that day. That accident should have put me down for six months. I was fully back to work in thirty days. All prior symptoms showed up after that accident and now are gone. 

I cannot explain how it works but do realize what it has done for me. What I do know is that it stems from Nikolai Tesla’s work with alternating current energy. It is a glass plate with a cord and large light bulb. I hold the bulb to my neck and move it around for 20 minutes. I often tell people, I do not care how it works, I am just glad it does. My wife and children were always afraid and cautioned me at every turn. When we moved last year from …………. (Nov. 2014), I was able to help load and unload three trucks. This is something I hadn’t done in years. 

Yours very truly,

