Logan’s story

Logan’s story

From: dan seelye
To: Justin Brost
Subject: Logan Seelye
Date: Fri, 31 Oct 2003 13:57:34 -0800 (PST)

My name is Dan Seelye.  I am the father of Logan Seelye, a 16 year old quadriplegic.  Logan dislocated his C5 and fractured his C6 on July 2, 2003.  An anterior fusion of these two vertebrae was performed on 7-03-03.  Logan was in intensive care at Harborview Hospital in Seattle for 7 days and transferred to Good Samaritan Hospital in Puyallup, Washington for 7 weeks during his in-patient rehabilitation.  He returned home on the 29th of August and is adjusting to his new life.
Shannon and Justin Brost contacted me in mid July and explained what they had available and asked to make a visit to our home.  They traveled over three hours one way to share their E Machine with my family.  They are very cordial folks and walked us through the process easily and made us feel very comfortable in a short period of time.
During their first visit (August 18), Justin worked with Logan and we saw his toes on his left foot move for the first time!  We were ecstatic, needless to say.  When your child is very active and plays sports with heart and vigor, is talented and learns new skills rapidly; to see his toes move after such a traumatic injury is a fantastic sight to witness.  And we owe that moment to Justin and Shannon.
Logan asked me several times after this session when he could have another treatment.  On October 12, Justin and Shannon returned to our home. They were impressed with Logan’s progress and preformed another treatment.  Logan had been complaining of pain behind both knees.  Justin worked those areas, and Logan’s complaints stopped.  We also witnessed increased activity in his right leg, both triceps and finger extensiors.  Logan wants to have additional treatments for he feels that the benefits far outweigh the e-stem sessions he receives at Good Samaritan during his out patient therapy.  He feels more movement, greater extension, and more relaxed muscles.  For up to 72 hours after Justin has visited with Logan, his muscle spasms have also been less frequent.
Thus; my son has seen improvement post therapy sessions with Justin.  He has asked me on many occasions if we could have a machine for home use.  I see the value, not just for people recovering from an injury, but for anyone looking for improved health benefits.