
Brent Ahrens, Athletic Man in Mid-Twenties & Regular EFS User

“I have been using the EFS for about 2.5 years now …I went on to buy a machine. I play soccer year round 3-5 times per week as well as snowboard and wakeboard. I play hard. And I injure myself quite often. I have had bad ankles since middle school and I sprain them on a regular basis. With the EFS a sprain that would normally put me out for a month only keeps me out for about 10 days …It wasn’t cheap but it is totally worth it. In 2.5 years it has been extremely reliable with no problems and consistent use. Worth it.”

Gene Bazan, suffering from Post Polio Syndrome

“I tried numerous electro-magnetic devices, light and sound devices, and others. With one exception, I could detect no improvement in energy levels, muscle use, pain and fatigue reduction, or brain fog …The one exception was the Energetic Fitness System. My wife received one in the university lab where she tested alternative healing devices. I began using it in the summer of 2006, daily for a half hour. After three weeks, I found myself one morning having climbed a flight of stairs in our house without the usual muscle pain and fatigue attending each step! …I continue using the EFS daily…”

Bruce-Male 50+, Staying Active & Limber

“Some time ago, when I was about 30 something, I landed on my side with my rib cage hitting the top of a stripping machine …I went to the doctor the next day… Eventually, I mended …Fast forward about 17 years …I injured my ribs in a similar way… This time I had access to an EFS-100 …I was able to resume a moderately active lifestyle within the first week and I could barely tell I injured myself midway through the second week …The EFS keeps me active and limber…I am getting older now, 50+, and I am very glad to have a device like this.”

Stephanie Cole, CSCS – Head Trainer, Gold’s Gym, Arlington WA

“When I had the opportunity to use the EFS before my workout at the gym last week, I couldn’t believe how much energy I had. I have struggled with the lack of drive to get through my workouts ever since I quit using caffeine. It was the best workout I’ve had since I quit drinking coffee! …I have also noticed an improvement in the pain that I was having in my shoulder, knee, forearm but most importantly my low back pain has subsided!

Jenny Rymer, ND

“I have been using the EFS for 3 months along with many other energy medicine devices and have found this to be most effective for a wide variety of conditions… One of my patients has chronic asthma… After just 15 minutes on it she felt her bronchials relaxing and she reported feeling better than when she has gone to the ER for therapy …Another use is for chronic pain …one of my female patients with fibrocystic breast disease had a cyst disappear in her right breast after a 20 minute session … My patients are so thankful for making this technology available to them …I can’t imagine running my practice without this amazing technology…”