Stephanie Cole, CSCS – Head Trainer, Gold’s Gym, Arlington WA

Stephanie Cole, CSCS – Head Trainer, Gold’s Gym, Arlington WA

June 7, 2002

Dear Jusitn and Shannon,

Just wanted to give you an update on my EFS.  I have been using the EFS every morning for 1/2 hour when I wake up.  I have noticed that I feel more energized and awake after using the EFS.  About a year ago I quit drinking coffee, so needless to say, waking up in the morning is sometimes tough.

When I had the opportunity to use the EFS before my workout at the gym last week, I couldn’t believe how much energy I had.  I have struggled with the lack of drive to get through my workouts since I quit using caffeine.  It was the best workout I’ve had since I quit drinking coffee.

I have also noticed an improvement in the pain that I was having in my shoulder, knee, forearm but mostly my low back pain has subsided!  My husband has also been using the EFS at home and finds that he gets relief from the pain he feels from herniated disc in his neck.

I ran into a lady at the grocery store who used the EFS at the gym one day.  She had injured her neck in a snowboarding accident and was unable to workout.  She was so excited that her neck pain had gone away that she hired me to train her.  She is now working out with no limitations caused by the neck injury.

Many of my clients have asked when we’ll be getting the EFS machines in the gym on a permanent basis?  They are eager to use the EFS regularly.  I have received numerous positive comments on the EFS, including the gym owner, who noticed that the pain in his shoulder had gone away.  I’m really excited about getting the EFS set up as soon as we can, as I know they will benefit many people.

Let’s get together soon to get the EFS set up in the gym!

Thank you,

Stephanie Cole, CSCS,

Head Trainer, Gold’s Gym, Arlington