SCALAR… Let’s Have a Chat

SCALAR… Let’s Have a Chat

SCALAR... Let's Have a Chat...

First & Foremost…

SCALAR IS A Physics Term.  

Not a medical term,

Not a wellness term,



Want to make a physicist, or other physics expert, head explode? 

 😯 Just, simply put these two words together… 😯 


There is no such thing as a “Scalar Wave”.

Nor, is Scalar the miraculous healing energy of the universe…

Nor, do Scalar Waves travel at 13 times the speed of light…

And, you definitely cannot create scalar using tv monitors, sounds or crystals.


Scalar Is Actually a Potential, or Field 
Scalar is not bound by the speed of light.  Scalar is instantaneous.  When a scalar potential is created, it will spread to every particle within its domain, i.e. every atom within its domain (the boundaries of the area it is in). 


This is great place to discuss them.

Every atom has its own specific set of frequencies, depending on the state it’s in; solid, liquid, gaseous, or plasma. 

These frequencies are measured out to 5 to 8 decimal places, i.e. 104.4583575. 

Also, it is estimated that the average human body contains roughly 1027 atoms. 

That doesn’t mean different atoms, there are only so many atoms on the periodic chart.  It means total atoms.

So… How is a Scalar Potential Created? 

Please proceed beyond the following paragraph. The author disclaims responsibility for any eye bleeding, head explosions, drooling, or uncontrolled coffee spray from your nose onto your phone, laptop, or keyboard. Consider yourself warned.

In physics terms, a scalar potential is a bundle of bidirectional longitudinal electromagnetic waves, in pairs, where each pair consists of an incoming time-polarized EM wave (EM energy moving along the time-axis) and an outgoing longitudinal EM wave in 3-space. That is the nature of the potential as it exists in spacetime (in 4-space) prior to interaction with charged mass. The halfset of all the outgoing 3-space longitudinal waves also forms a set of 3-space EM wavepairs comprising the 3-potential portion. Any electromagnetic field or wave may be decomposed into two scalar potentials, as shown by Whittaker (2), thus initiating that branch of electrodynamics known as superpotential theory. Everything that is presently recognized as an ordinary electromagnetic field or transverse electromagnetic wave is in fact created through the interference of potentials’ internal longitudinal EM wave structures, as shown by Evans et al. and also by Cornille. This extended superpotential approach is legitimate higher group symmetry – such as O symmetry – electrodynamics, which is more fundamental and extensive than orthodox electrodynamics using U group symmetry. The extended electrodynamics provides an electrodynamically engineerable unified field theory that is capable of directly changing matter through action-at-a-distance, including time-reversing matter (either living or inert), through the manipulation of the internal longitudinal wave pairs with associated time-polarized EM waves.

Translation: First, most people are familiar with a sound wave.

Diagram of a frequency

The way sound cancelling headphones work is introducing a second sound (waveform) that is 180 degrees opposed to the original and that cancels out the sound.

A time polarized electromagnetic wave is totally different. It is a spiral waveform, and it travels in one direction.

A time polarized electromagnetic wave is totally different.  It is a spiral waveform, and it travels in one direction.

Now, you cannot cancel an EM wave the same as a sound wave. 


According to the First Law of Thermodynamics…

You can neither create,

nor destroy,


An EM wave is energy.


So, what happens when two opposing EM waves meet, that are 180 degrees out of phase? 


This is the only way to create scalar potential.  No TV monitors, pretty sounds, no crystals, etc.


If this happens within the human body, the scalar potential becomes a giant data field that holds all the frequencies, of all the atoms within that person’s body.  That is all scalar is. Period.

There is only one technology on the market today, the Energetic Fitness SystemsTM, that was originally designed by Nikola Tesla, that operates this way, and it represents that original technology with the best this century has to offer.  One EM wave is delivered through the charging plate, where the user has their feet placed, while the opposing EM wave is delivered through the PCS Bulb, which is held in the users’ hands. 

Now, the only way to pump, or move, scalar is with plasma.  The PCS bulb is a Plasma Containment System.  The data that is on the scalar potential is pumped into the EFS system and through its frequency module.  This is where those frequencies are amplified, and then pumped back into the body.  No artificially created frequencies, no digital frequencies, no magnetic pulse rates, no programs, prescriptions, or input sounds.  The bodies innate intelligence manages the rest.

So, we’ve gone this far.  Now, let’s finish the explanation.

Every cell, within its makeup, has an internal battery. These batteries are made up of Phospholipids, a class of lipids that are a major component of all cell membranes and form, what is called, lipid layers. The physical structure of the phospholipid molecule consists primarily of hydrophobic tails and a hydrophobic head. The head is hydrophilic (is attracted to water), while the tail is hydrophobic (repelled by water). The head contains negatively charged phosphate and glycerol. The tail is usually two fatty acid hydrocarbon chains. In biological systems, phospholipids often occur with other molecules such as proteins, glycolipids, and sterols in a bilayer forming the cell membrane.

Phospholipids Bilayers

Think of it another way; the head is the electron conductor, and the tails are insulators. Whenever conductors and insulators are stacked, a capacitor is created, or in this case, the cellular battery. The standard way of measuring the voltage (cellular energy) is by measuring the transmembrane potential (the difference between the inside and the outside of the cell membrane).  As that voltage drops (or rises, as may be) the cell becomes out of balance, e.g., +35mV is considered cancerous or simply mutated.  This is the main energy source for our mitochondria to have energy to be the powerhouse of the cell.  

Like any battery, the charge, or voltage, will reduce over time.  Think of it this way, when you’re 15, you get a cut that heals in 3 or 4 days.  When you’re 50, you get the same cut that heals in 3 or 4 weeks.  When you’re 70, that cut may take 3 or 4 months to heal. 

So where can someone buy a micro-battery charger for your cells?  And the answer is not Harbor Freight. 

It ends up that the cellphone industry has the best explanation, although not sourced as a human battery charger.  The cellphone charging pads, where you just place your cellphone on the pad it charges the battery.  Do you know how that works? 

The pad emits a very specific frequency that matches the very specific frequency of the battery.  By raising the amplitude of the frequencies in the battery, it raises the electrical charge.  They are actually working on whole home charging systems that will charge all your wireless devices, continuously and in Sweden, they are testing roadways that will charge electric vehicle batteries while you drive.

So, the Energetic Fitness Systems technology raises the amplitude of every frequency in your body, thereby raising the intra-cellular voltage of every cell in your body. 

Why?  When your cells operate at their optimum charge, they function the way they were meant to.  Take in nourishment, excrete waste, detox, heal, divide correctly, etc.  If your cells operate correctly, the body can operate correctly.

This is how Scalar is actually used. 

Unless of course, we’re talking about deep space communications, but I’ll leave that for different post.

All the Best ~ 

EFS Founder & CEO