
SCALAR… Let’s Have a Chat

SCALAR IS A Physics Term…  Not a medical term…Not a wellness term… IT IS A PHYSICS TERM! According to the First Law of Thermodynamics, you can neither create,
nor destroy, ENERGY. An EM wave is energy. So, what happens when two opposing EM waves meet, that are 180 degrees out of phase?  SCALAR POTENTIAL IS CREATED. This is the only way to create scalar potential.  No TV monitors, pretty sounds, no crystals, etc. If this happens within the human body, the scalar potential becomes a giant data field that holds all the frequencies, of all the atoms within that person’s body.  That is all scalar is. Period. Learn why and how, read more.


Energetic Fitness Systems’ CEO, Justin Brost shares his journey from a finance background to innovating in technology, particularly focusing on a device that impacts human cellular health. They delve into the concept of Scalar fields, drawing parallels to wireless technology, and discuss various case studies highlighting the device’s benefits in mental health and physical therapy. Justin talks about the hurdles faced in applying this technology to chiropractic care. Broader applications in therapy and athletics are explored, along with safety concerns and electrical considerations for users. The conversation covers the FDA approval process and research insights, and distinguishes between PTSI and PTSD. The episode concludes with final thoughts and a call to action for listeners.

  • Innovative technology can harness electromagnetic waves to enhance cellular function and potentially accelerate physical recovery.
  • Scalar fields can instantaneously transmit energy across vast distances, offering new possibilities for communication and healing.
  • Addressing both the physical and mental aspects of health can lead to profound improvements in overall well-being and recovery outcomes…

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Exploring Scalar Fields and Health Impacts with Justin Brost

“I AM” “ANALOG”!!!

The “HUMAN SYSTEM” or “BIOLOGY”: Is “ANALOG”. Many are looking to bolster this energy from technology in support of their wellness and human optimization efforts. 
Where does someone start? How can they know that a certain pulsing electromagnetic energy (PEMF) technology is safe? What is real? Which one will support our physiology most effectively?

– WHAT IS THE BODY DIELECTRIC? And how can it be positively affected?

The body dielectric is the overall makeup of the body’s energy field. This includes the unique electromagnetic (EM) field or signal originating from every cell and every part of the cell and every particle in the entire body. It also pertains to how each signal interacts and reacts to internal as well as external EM fields, waves and potentials.


First part of the Understanding PEMF Summer Video Series:

An honest conversation about PEMF technology.

What is PEMF?


Experience EFS Charging Session Your Way! :-)

EFS Charging Sessions TM – YOUR WAY! 

EFS Charging Sessions Your Way

Sitting…   Standing…   Laying Down…  Energized Stretching…   Yoga …   Meditating…   Relaxing…   Visualizing…  So many ways!

Safe for ALL Ages!