Combat Holiday Stress shared by our own Jeremy Horn

Combat Holiday Stress shared by our own Jeremy Horn

Combat Holiday Stress

shared by our own Jeremy Horn 


Jeremy, has lived 33 years in the Natural Health Industry. 

In this post he shares his insights on what WE can do to combat our holiday stress. 

He mixes fact with humor that will make us all smile. 







After 33 years in the Natural Health industry I have seen every kind of condition and malady imaginable. But if I were forced to pinpoint the one thing that is more detrimental to our personal health than anything else, I would have to say stress. Countless research studies have been conducted across hundreds of countries over multiple decades analyzing the deleterious effects of stress on the human body, yet you still hear scores of practitioners today repeatedly minimizing or downplaying the subject. If medical evidence isn’t enough for you, take a look at EVERY American President in recent history (the ones we have photo documentation of). They enter office as capable orators and statesmen before leaving as doddering old codgers! Look at President Obama. He entered office as a spry, handsome young man playing basketball and after 8 years he just looks like your cousin Jerry who did not fare well following his toxic divorce (his 3rd) from his non-age appropriate life coach. This rule obviously does not apply to Bill Clinton or Donald Trump, both of whom seem uniquely immune to the ravages of the office of the Presidency. I suspect it has to do with their respective bedroom strategies but that is a different theory and a completely separate article! For now let’s focus on what WE can do to combat stress that doesn’t involve hush money or scandal.

With the holidays upon us, stress is even more of a concern than ever.  Want to stop the chaos? Here are a couple simple herbs to help you manage the holiday season. It’s worth trying. You’ve been looking a little rugged lately. We’ve all noticed…

Passion Flower (Passiflora Incarnata)

Passionflower has been used since the 16th Century for medicinal purposes. Recent clinical studies have shown passionflower to exhibit some significant anxiolytic (anxiety-calming) effects as well as improving memory and increasing GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) uptake. GABA is an inhibitory neurotransmitter, which means it counters neurotransmitters that cause excitement thereby producing a calming effect. GABA is one of the most important brain chemicals for regulating mood.

German Chamomile (Matricaria Chamomilla)

There are two types of Chamomiles: German chamomile and Roman chamomile. The clinical data refers to the German chamomile, so assume that is the form I am referring to.

Promising preliminary studies suggest that a specific form of chamomile sold nutraceutically in the US and Europe may be helpful for generalized anxiety disorder and associated depression. The most extensive research regarding chamomile has centered around its effect on sleep and insomnia. But always remember, research does not always tell the full story. Research on the chamomile tea has shown an improvement in sleep quality but not in the prevention of insomnia. On the other hand, research on specific standardized extractions of chamomile have proven impactful on cortisol levels and combating nervous system disruption. When taken in conjunction with basic amino acids and similar synergistic herbs, this form of chamomile CAN have a dramatic role in treating and preventing insomnia.

The hardest part in all of this comes in knowing which form is medically researched and which is marketing fraud. That is where we come in. For 33+ years Good Health Nutrition (Everything You Know is Wrong) has served as a resource for sifting through what is good, what is bad and what is just plain silly. Call or schedule an appointment or visit us in beautiful Sammamish, Washington. ( And while you’re here, you may as well get yourself a charge from our PEMF from Energetic Fitness Systems. (

Also, anyone who schedules a Charging Session with us will receive a FREE Nutritional Consultation at Good Health Nutrition (3707 Providence-Point Dr SE Suite G Issaquah, WA 98029) as our holiday gift to you.

So Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, Happy New Year and a very Safe and Solemn Ramadan!

Jeremy Horn, Good Health Nutrition, Sammamish WA