Sent: Monday, May 21, 2018 8:54 AM
To: Energetic Fitness Systems 

I have been weight lifting for a good part of 35 years. My early years also consisted of playing football, baseball, and soccer. I was also extremely active with water sports and motorized sports like 4-wheelers and dirt bikes. Wear and tear on the body would be an understatement. At 53 years old, aches and pains are just a normal part of daily life; or should I say used to be!

As a strength and conditioning coach, I run into chronic pain issues with clients more times than not. Fight through the pain has never been an option with me but as we age that becomes necessary if you want to strength train. I have been dealing with it for the last 5 years but understand the importance of strength training, so what do you do? ARX and EFS! The two combined have been absolutely life changing for myself and everybody I work with. My workouts have become far more explosive with little to no pain. The energy levels are through the roof and recovery is so much quicker. We have been using EFS 20 minutes prior to a workout and then 10 minutes post workout and that seems to be the winning combination. I also see most clients use the EFS for 20-25 minutes the day after a hard workout. Those who skip using the EFS on workout day due to time constraints report being more soar and for a longer periods of time.

So, to sum things up for me; I have been living with joint pain and stiffness for quite a few years, my workouts have become less productive and light. Since I began using EFS the pain has smoothed out, I am far more flexible, and have that overall good feeling that has been gone for a while. I am pushing weight like I did when I was 30 and I feel incredible!

I cannot imagine life without EFS – and neither can my clients!

Fitness Studio Owner