Testimonials found on our website were written and submitted by “REAL PEOPLE”.  Please, follow the link included with an excerpt of their testimonial submissions to read the complete unchanged content. 

Nick Mancuso's take on the Energetic Fitness System

It is our company policy, regarding testimonials, to leave them in their original unedited state in order to preserve the integrity of the statements made by users of the Energetic Fitness System™. Handwritten testimonial submissions have been converted to typewritten form for the convenience of the reader.


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Anyone can benefit from the EFS-100, those looking to increase their vitality to those needing to rehabilitate from illness or injury.  The bottom line is that the Energetic Fitness System dramatically works.

Jayson Werth, Outfielder for the Washington Nationals

“Using the EFS machine before and during my breaks at competitions has also helped revitalize not only my body, but also my mind. In competitive swimming, athletes tend to feel run down after one or two races, and coming off the EFS machine after my races has raised the alertness of my body and confidence in racing all over again, just better!”

Milorad Cavic – 3x Olympian Medalist

In addition to the effects of giving our guys immediate energy boosts after use, I think the way our guys have recovered with consistent use of the system has been most beneficial to the team…
I am still in your debt for the way Mike swam at our Pac-10 championship relay.

Mike Bottom (Men’s Swimming & Diving Coach UC Berkley – 2006)

I am sending SO MUCH love, light and POSITIVE ENERGY to you! First off, I had a GREAT time at the grand opening! Better than that, though, I have the MOST GRATITUDE for you letting me do the PEMF thing! I DEFINITELY feel energized! … I feel PHENOMENAL!… THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

7/11/2018 Shane Nicholich’s 1st EFS Charging Session

The two most important things that I can summarize right here is that I notice my body rebalances itself to its homeostasis more quickly, and that my Ph is more alkaline, which is significant since training often gets my body acidic.   I believe that this machine helps my recovery time.   There are other things I believe it does on a spiritual, mental, and emotional level as well.

Katrina Radke, Olympic Swimmer – Represented US (1985-1991)

I am a quadriplegic I’ve used the EFS the last several years. Every time I use it I have a reduction in the tone of my muscles (i.e. Involuntary Contractions) and it makes it easier for my caregivers to do my range of motion with my limbs. I feel very energized after using the EFS…Besides the biological benefits of using the EFS 100 is just plain simple to use!! You hold onto the bulb, put your feet on the plate let the current do the work. It doesn’t get much more simple than that!

Patrick Ricci – Quadriplegic

“I LOVED it the very first time I used it. I felt more energy, a clear mind and my back pain was lessened. I actually started to crave the sessions mostly because of the energy but also the lessened pain in my entire body. I no longer have any of the lower back pain I’d suffered with for years now and owe it to this Energetic Fitness System.”

Michelle Clark, Senior Construction Project Engineer Seattle WA Michelle Clark

“As I have a horrible neck, this machine keeps me going, literally. I hope you take the time to review his site and spread his information to anyone you know who cannot get relief.”

Glenn Prentice Long Time EFS User with horrible neck….

“I have have great success with your machine over the years as you know. I purchased your EFS100 about 10 years ago and have used it for many things, but most noteworthy, to completely eliminate a rotator cuff injury (tennis). I serve harder now at 45 than I did in college without any problems whatsoever. I wish you much success!”

Bill L., 45 Year Old Man – Long time EFS User & Tennis Player

“I wanted to follow up with you on how my father did with his first use of the EFS. As you know, he is 94 and has dementia and has also had a brain bleed…Well, I put him on the EFS for 15 minutes. After about 5 minutes he started just talking about his life… None of his communication had the distorted flavor of the made up or irrational that his stories have begun to be colored with recently – when he does tell them. Very impressive change in just a few minutes! WOW! Thanks Justin!

John Welch, EFS-200PRO Owner/User

“My name is Kristie McClellan. I am suffering from a disease called Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF). There is no cure for this disease. I started using the machine (EFS) and just after 2 days noticed a difference. My EFS is working great, I use it three times a week!… As you know, there is no cure for the IPF but this machine (EFS) has me getting better every day. The best I’ve felt in three years.”


“The Energetic Fitness System EFS-100 significantly reduces sore muscle recovery time from workouts and physical events which allows athletes of all types to stay on top of their game.”

Pat Rummerfield, First Fully Functional SCI Quadriplegic Athlete

“I wanted to thank you for the EFS-200. I have worked with nutritionists, chiropractors, acupuncturists, and M.D.s to try to resolve a problem I had with my adrenals. “Had” is the operative word. What blows me away is that in just 5 minutes — literally — on the machine my adrenals were turned around…”

John, EFS-200PRO Owner

“I had been suffering from severe electromagnetic-hypersensitivity… I had felt severe burning on my skin and abdominal organs in the mornings from the electromagnetic radiation…I couldn’t sleep through the night…waking up with the pain and burning sensation…John came to the rescue with your machine…Thank you so much! I had practically given up hope of really feeling well again. This makes the world of difference!”

Debbie, suffering from Electromagnetic-hypersensitivity

“I wanted to write and let you know how much the EFS machine has helped my hands. The arthritis in my hands was causing me a lot of pain and joint stiffness and it was really affecting my ability to do even simple tasks around the house… It was scary thinking about growing old with arthritic pain but not anymore because I can use the EFS machine to help me. Thanks again”

Ruth Barrett, Arthritis in Hands

“About 18 years ago, I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. As I remember they weren’t even sure it was a medical condition back then…After 20 minutes, Justin helped me stop, then asked me to stand up and touch my toes, a thought that I hadn’t had in years, I was able to touch the floor! I talked with my wife then purchased one and have used it since …I get nervous thinking of not having access to one.”

Blake Barrett, Diagnosed with Fibromyalgia 18 years ago

“The more I’m able to use the EFS the better I feel which is why I am getting one so I can use it on a daily basis or as necessary. I recommend the EFS to anybody who wants to improve their energy, speed up recovery & to basically boost their overall health & immune system. I’m able to know what it feels like to have a “GREAT” day again! Friends & Family have been amazed.”

Sherri Wright 6 YRS Diagnosed FMS, Stress/Depression, HBP & IBS

“I discovered the EFS through a friend who was using it about 11 years ago. At the time I was recovering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome…I went from barely functioning energy-wise to feeling quite strong and vital. I could focus better, feel less depressed, and enjoy life better.”

Elisa, Long time EFS User

“I have been using the EFS for about 2.5 years now …I went on to buy a machine. I play soccer year round 3-5 times per week as well as snowboard and wakeboard. I play hard. And I injure myself quite often. I have had bad ankles since middle school and I sprain them on a regular basis. With the EFS a sprain that would normally put me out for a month only keeps me out for about 10 days …It wasn’t cheap but it is totally worth it. In 2.5 years it has been extremely reliable with no problems and consistent use. Worth it.”

Brent Ahrens, Athletic Man in Mid-Twenties & Regular EFS User

“I tried numerous electro-magnetic devices, light and sound devices, and others. With one exception, I could detect no improvement in energy levels, muscle use, pain and fatigue reduction, or brain fog …The one exception was the Energetic Fitness System. My wife received one in the university lab where she tested alternative healing devices. I began using it in the summer of 2006, daily for a half hour. After three weeks, I found myself one morning having climbed a flight of stairs in our house without the usual muscle pain and fatigue attending each step! …I continue using the EFS daily…”

Gene Bazan, suffering from Post Polio Syndrome

“Some time ago, when I was about 30 something, I landed on my side with my rib cage hitting the top of a stripping machine …I went to the doctor the next day… Eventually, I mended …Fast forward about 17 years …I injured my ribs in a similar way… This time I had access to an EFS-100 …I was able to resume a moderately active lifestyle within the first week and I could barely tell I injured myself midway through the second week …The EFS keeps me active and limber…I am getting older now, 50+, and I am very glad to have a device like this.”

Bruce-Male 50+, Staying Active & Limber

“I attribute the accelerated success of my recovery to the EFS-100 and would recommend it to anyone faced with joint surgery.”

Kerry Byford 40 YRS Male, Rehabbing Biceps Tenodesis Surgery

“I have tried everything from deep tissue massage to Stem to Rolfing and countless other methods or machines that boast optimum performance for my body. In my opinion the EFS 100 leaves the rest of them in the dust.”

Nicolas Bartolotta MPT, HHP – San Diego & LA, CA – DCT Instructor

“When I had the opportunity to use the EFS before my workout at the gym last week, I couldn’t believe how much energy I had. I have struggled with the lack of drive to get through my workouts ever since I quit using caffeine. It was the best workout I’ve had since I quit drinking coffee! …I have also noticed an improvement in the pain that I was having in my shoulder, knee, forearm but most importantly my low back pain has subsided!

Stephanie Cole, CSCS – Head Trainer, Gold’s Gym, Arlington WA

“a young man recovering from a Spinal Cord Injury as told by his father in subsequent emails. Logan is an inspiration to us all!”

Logan’s story

“I have been using the EFS for 3 months along with many other energy medicine devices and have found this to be most effective for a wide variety of conditions… One of my patients has chronic asthma… After just 15 minutes on it she felt her bronchials relaxing and she reported feeling better than when she has gone to the ER for therapy …Another use is for chronic pain …one of my female patients with fibrocystic breast disease had a cyst disappear in her right breast after a 20 minute session … My patients are so thankful for making this technology available to them …I can’t imagine running my practice without this amazing technology…”

Jenny Rymer, ND

“For several months now I have been using the EFS-100 regularly for an hour a day before dinner… My overall health, energy level, mental attitude, and productivity have reached a high degree of excellence for one of my age, a condition I realize that I have come almost to take for granted.”

Karl Mohr, Ph.D., Trainer U.C. Berkeley Men’s Swimming Team

“About five weeks ago I accidentally dropped a 20 lb. barbell directly on the second toe of by left foot. It fell about 30” and the edge of the weight hit dead center on the toe . . .I am very familiar with these kinds of injuries having also been an athlete all my life. In my estimation the injury healed approximately 6 times (600%) faster than normal.”

Jeb, Male 58 YRS, Excellent Health

“Once I started using the EFS on a regular basis – five times a week – I was startled by the increase in my energy, and general well-being.”

R.A. Deckert, Male, Recovering from Stroke

…my husband age 71 was diagnosed with MID which is Multi Infarc Dimensia …Now six years later …he functions at the level he did …he drives his car …We credit our use of our EFS…”

Joyce MY HUSBAND BOB…so Thankful for our extra time together…

“I used the device for about 30 minutes, and after about 20, I could move my arm. And it didn’t hurt!”

Howie, 31, student@ Western Washington University