
“I AM” “ANALOG”!!!

The “HUMAN SYSTEM” or “BIOLOGY”: Is “ANALOG”. Many are looking to bolster this energy from technology in support of their wellness and human optimization efforts. 
Where does someone start? How can they know that a certain pulsing electromagnetic energy (PEMF) technology is safe? What is real? Which one will support our physiology most effectively?

What is in your PEMF?

Does your PEMF,  or one you have used, contain toxic inert gases for you to resonate with?  Are you being confused with deceptive marketing whose terminology scrambles terms like “frequency” and “pulse rate” or,  “frequency” and “carrier wave”? Has someone told you that they are going to “raise your frequencies”?  Have you been told that any technology creates “Scalar Waves”? …because there is no such thing as a “Scalar Wave”.  Have you been told that Scalar is the “ultimate healing energy”?   Don’t let yourself be misled. Let Science and Physics keep you safe!!! 🙂  Live Well!

Dr. Daniel Aviv (Chiropractor) shares his EFS experiences

What Motivated Me to Find Advanced Technologies (widescreen)


My rehab journey...Doctor who became a Patient. Now comes the cool part...


Eye recovery


Dr. Daniel Aviv, you are the reason we share this technology and will continue to do so.  It is our mission to help as many people energize their physiology to achieve their best life possible… 

Quality of Life is Everything! 

We look forward to hearing more about your recovery and what works best for you. 

Thank you so much for sharing your story with all of us.  

Learn more about Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS).

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Instagram: @dr.danielaviv

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