– Another EFS Letter Comes In

– Another EFS Letter Comes In

“Some time ago, when I was about 30 something, I landed on my side with my rib cage hitting the top a stripping machine…I went to the doctor the next day, nothing broken but my ribs were bruised on my right side…I was sent home with an elastic brace or wrap for my torso which I used for the next 4 weeks…After the four weeks I still had to be careful, some movements still caused pain. Eventually, I mended…Fast forward about 17 years…I injured my ribs in a similar way. Nothing broken but bruised and sore…This time I had access to an EFS 100…I was able to resume a moderately active lifestyle within the first week and I could barely tell I injured myself midway through the second week…The EFS keeps me active and limber…I am getting older now, 50+, and I am very glad to have a device like this”

See rest of the letter

Bruce Stewart, Male 50+, staying active and limber

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